6 Goals for a Healthy Relationship And How To Achieve Them

Beautiful young sports people are talking and smiling while cooking healthy food in kitchen at home

All relationships could use some revamping every now and then to ensure that you have a healthy relationship at all times. What’s the best way to maintain a healthy relationship, you might be wondering?

When it comes to healthy relationships, there are various ways to keep it that way, but the best thing you can do is to set goals. If you’re not sure what kind of goals you should set to maintain relationship health, you’ve come to the right place.

Below you’re going to find some of our top goal recommendations that everyone should have. Get ready because, by the time you’ve completed this post, you’re going to be ready to give any one of our goals a try.

1. Do More Than Be Together

One primary goal for a happy relationship is to do more than be together. When you’re in a relationship with someone else, you’ve got to ensure that you’re happy with one another.

Being happy with your partner means understanding why you’re in the relationship, to begin with. It also helps you never lose sight of what’s truly important in your life, and that’s your partner.

When you’re together just to be together, it can leave your relationship in an endless rut where neither partner’s needs are being met. In the end, that cycle will fall apart, leaving you to resent one another, but maintaining happiness can ensure longevity and relationship health for years to come.

2. Keep Things Spicy

This goal can apply inside and outside of the bedroom. When we say to keep things spicy, we mean attempt something new together every so often. Maybe you all could go ice skating at the local ice rink. Or you could make a pact to try some new foods that you’d never even thought of trying.

Whatever fits the fancy of you and your partner, do it. It keeps things from becoming dull and routine. If you’re looking to spice things up, you could also try planning a spontaneous adventure for both you and your partner as a surprise.

Not only are they going to love whatever you’ve planned, but they’ll also find joy in knowing that you went to great lengths to plan everything by yourself and surprise them with it.

3. Make Date Night a Priority

If you’ve got children or a busy work schedule finding time to enjoy a date night amongst all the hustle and bustle can be challenging. But, we stress that date night should be a regular occurrence in your household.

Why is date night such a huge thing, you might be wondering? It helps you and your partner to connect and communicate about more than just what’s going on with the kids or the next work priority that either of you may have.

It’s a way of hitting the restart button and refreshing each other while at the same time reigniting a dimming spark. You don’t want to get so busy moving through your day-to-day life that you forget your partner is a massive part of your day-to-day life.

4. Speak to a Counselor Regularly

There are times when we enter into a relationship, and our insecurities begin to be projected onto our partner. One goal that you may have is to speak with a counselor as a couple regularly.

The counselor can help to sort through these insecurities and help them make sense to your partner. They can also help you all find ways to go from good to great. When we don’t deal with our issues, we may find that it can damage our relationship in ways we never imagined.

But, seeking help for yourself is a great goal that allows you to maintain relationship health.

5. Show Appreciation

One of the main goals for a healthy relationship is to show your appreciation for one another. Whether it’s a simple thank you or something more elaborate, everyone wants to be appreciated.

Being appreciated shows that the things you and your partner are doing for one another isn’t being taken for granted. When people feel as if they are being taken for granted, it could lead to unhappiness and resentment towards their partner.

We’ve all got to work to show appreciation towards our partners daily and actively. Again it doesn’t have to be anything over the top, but simply giving an extra squeeze or a longer kiss will help your partner to understand that you’ve taken note of everything they’re doing and you appreciate it.

6. Be Supportive

All the goals you set for your relationship won’t technically be the same as your personal goals. And this is when one of your relationship goals should be to support the goals that each of you have set for yourselves.

Whether these goals are to get promoted at work or get in better shape, you should always support them. There’s something about knowing that someone has your back and is there for you cheering you on no matter what that provides that extra nudge of motivation you need to get through the tough days.

Healthy Relationship: Growing Stronger Roots

A healthy relationship is about more than just saying I love you and going about your day. To ensure that your relationship grows stronger every day, setting goals and achieving them will help you put your relationship first daily.

If you’ve attempted defining your relationship goals, and you’re having trouble figuring out how to achieve them together, contact Dr. Jeanne Michele. She’s got the experience, knowledge, and heart to help you work through whatever is standing in the way of creating and maintaining a strong, loving relationship that thrives!