What I Learned About Love from a 7th Grade Science Fair Project

Photo taken by Jeanne Michele

Photo taken by Jeanne Michele

I began to reflect upon how much we don’t understand about the nature of how things work, especially love.

Here is another interesting side benefit: In the moments we focused on giving love to the plant, which entailed say, “I love you. You are beautiful. You are growing so much. Wow! Look at you. When I put you back outside, please give love to your friend,” I experienced an interesting side benefit. Each morning and evening after about a minute of focusing on loving the plant, I simply felt happier. I know it may sound strange, but I felt like I was being loved back. And somehow the loving given to this plant sparked even more growth in the plant right next to it. Somehow the love the first little plant assimilated and translated love into a plant language / energy that inspired its “friend” to grow. Just think of the implications here and the power the love we give inspires others to give, and so on, and so on.

The scars of childhood woundings are like tattoos emblazoned upon our hearts.

So many of us were loved in ways that didn’t quite contribute to our optimal growth. That doesn’t mean our parents necessarily were “bad” people. Some of our parents weren’t well loved themselves. I believe people do the best they can based upon their life experience and what they know at the time. The scars of childhood woundings are like tattoos emblazoned upon our hearts. What if we make a conscious choice to be more aware of how we extend love?

Think of the far reaching possibilities that can blossom when we choose to more consciously extend love.

It is my hope that our continued recovery from this world wide reset, compels us to enter into new ways of seeing and honoring the magic of the world in which we live, and helps spark our curiosity and brilliance to help solve some of the catastrophic environmental issues that are facing our planet today. There is so much we have yet to learn and explore. For me diving into this little plant experiment has provided a little more insight into my lifelong curiosity about love.

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